- Expert PRE-RCO3,E,.2023
- Scientific Contributor of the Special Secretariat for Long-Term Planning of the Presidency of the Government,2022
- Member of the Quality Assessment Committee of the Law-Preparatory Process of the Hellenic Parliament, 2019 up today.
- Special Adviser to the Minister of Finance (no remittance), 2019-2021.
- Counsellor in the Scientific Board of Experts of “National Bank of Greece”, 1995 – 1996.
- Counselor in the Scientific Board of “Union of Banks of Greece”, 1994.
- Member of the Body of Mediators of the “Mediation and Arbitration Organization”, 1992-1994.
- Member of the Board of Directors of the “Organization for the Protection of Intellectual Rights”, 1995-1998.
- President of the “Observatory of Employment for the Banking Field of the Union of Banks of Greece and OTOE”, 1996-1997.
- Vice President of the “Business Innovation Centre of Attica”, 1995-1996.
- Member of the Negotiations Committee for the creation of “Hellenic Alumina Industry”, 1983 – 1987.
- Consultant with administration responsibilities and Member of the Board of “Neorion Shipyards S.A.”, 1986-1987.
- Special Advisor at the “Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology”, 1986.
- Special Counselor, Ministry of National Economy, 1982-1985.
- Member of the Board of the “Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A.”, 1983 – 1985.
- Vice President of the Negotiations Committee for the creation of “Hellenic Electronics Industry” and the introduction of Digital Telecommunications Technology in Greece, 1984 – 1985.
- Revocable Officer of 2nd Grade, “Ministry of Treasury”, 1982-1984.
- President of the Added Value Control Committee, “Stayer Hellas S.A.”, 1983-1984.
- Member of the “National Procurements Committee”, 1983.
- Management Consultant, “Commercial Bank of Greece”, 1981-1982.
- Scientific Associate, Department of Studies and Research, “National Bank of Greece”, 1979-1981.